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Adventures in Juicing (The Raw Veg Kind)

No, I’m not going to start using steroids. That pretty much garners the opposite of the effect I’m going for here.

Recently, I saw an amazing documentary on health, diet, and weight loss called “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.” The film is about a man named Joe Cross who had lead an extravagant life, but ended up overweight, on steroids and a dozen other meds to stabilize an autoimmune disorder, and fearing death. His research and drive for health take him on a journey across the U.S. while on a 60 day juice fast in an attempt to reboot his life and get back on a healthy track. In the end, Joe made massive corrections to his weight, blood chemistry, and eliminated the autoimmune disorder and need for medication, all the while inspiring people to do the same.

Having seen this documentary, I find myself moving along Joe’s original course. I have gained too much weight over the years. My blood chemistry is not where it should be. If I keep this direction, I will soon find myself heavily medicated to balance out what I choose to eat.

This is why I am choosing to reboot my own life. Starting on Friday, June 10th, I will be starting a 15 day juice fast to detoxify my system and lose enough weight to start exercising productively. If I feel, at that time, that I need to make more progress, I may continue with the fast, but we’ll see when we get there.

I have created an account at http://www.jointhereboot.com and will be updating my status there as well as on twitter and here. I will post updates on what I eat (drink), how I feel, and where my weight goes.

If you’re interested in the documentary, you can find it at http://www.fatsickandnearlydead.com or you can join the reboot community at http://www.jointhereboot.com.

Categories: Uncategorized
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